Tag Archives: emergency power

DIY Heavy-Duty Rocket Stove

DIY Heavy-Duty Rocket Stove

Photo by eaahnen

Everyone should have a rocket stove either purchased or DIY. Nothing works quite as well as a rocket stove for cooking and heating without power. They produce a lot of heat with very little fuel and tend to produce less smoke than do other wood burning devices. This particular design is perfect for a quaint setting in your garden or patio area for the complete instructions continue reading at the link below

DIY Heavy-Duty Rocket Stove

DIY Portable Solar Power Unit For Camping Or Emergencies

DIY Portable Solar Power Unit For Camping Or Emergencies


Photo from Gray Wolf Survival

Electricity is a modern convenience that we have become very accustom to having and it tends to be a bit inconvenient when we are without it. Being able to produce your own power during an outage or even just camping is a big bonus. To see Gray Wolf Survival’s take on this continue reading at the link below

DIY Portable Solar Power Unit For Camping Or Emergencies